Abstract: This paper is to describe the development of robotic vehicle using RF technology for communicating between transmitter and receiver. This robot minimizes human causalities [1]. A wireless camera has been installed which can transmit real time video. This robot is very much useful for spying, war fields, Terror attacks, Natural disasters and mining areas. An 8051 series microcontroller is used for the control operation. At transmitting end using command buttons the movement of receiver is controlled either to move forward, backward, left, right or stop. This combat robot is installed with a laser gun where it can fire towards enemies remotely. A stepper motor has been installed for the rotation of camera in clockwise or counter clockwise direction. Camera mechanism is installed where it helps the person at watching station to monitor its direction of movement. Since manpower is always precious, these robots minimize the human risks and replace the humans at dangerous situation.
Keywords: Combat robot, Camera, Radio operated, Terror attacks.